This is a story for Joan (JJ):
Picture a beautiful fall day, cool, but not cold, and the most gorgeouse appy gelding that ever was.
This was our first time heading out on the trail since Buck ( now know as "BEAU") had arrived at my place. WHen I go to catch him in the pasture he comes right to me, We leave the other two guys with no worries,,, no balking or calling out. We saddle up right smartly and doa few moves from the ground , just so we have some communication going. He standd by the mounting block ( old hunk of firewood) like a true gentleman., well actually I had to explain what the wood was for, but then it was all good.
And we are off for the most amazing ride I have been on for a long time!!!! He never looked back,,, just head up and where are we going today!!!!
Beau likes water, I am sure he does, cause he drinks it all the time,,,,short discussions over a few water holes,,, but muddy gooey spots are nothin to him.... just a matter of time, and more trust. As for trees and stumps and brush,,, well he will climb over anything.
Had some beautiful long trots on the power line, and lopes too,,, never a big deal when you need to walk again, just say the word. No spook in this horse,,, cause he is all heart <3 Had fun trying to figure out what the deer was up to in the bushes, but never jumped away a bit....can you say ears up?????
THen the thing I am most proud of was on the way home. The tree harvesters are working in the area where I trail ride and one of them had moved, so we had to walk back past it on the way home. Only forty feet or so away from us and gwwwwrowwling and spitting the thing had me frightened.!! Beau the million dollar trail horse just strode right on by it, not even flinching when a big ole spruce crashed to the ground right beside us.
Thanks Joan for letting me have him, I know it was not easy to let him go. :( But he is loved and you and Buck have made this cowgirl a happy kid!!!!!