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 OPINIONS PLEASEE!! square bales & 24/hr hay

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PostSubject: OPINIONS PLEASEE!! square bales & 24/hr hay   OPINIONS PLEASEE!! square bales & 24/hr hay Icon_minitimeMon Nov 22, 2010 11:18 pm

The barn that I'm moving to the horses are on 24/hr and have a HUGE run-in (empty barn with 3 stalls but 3 doors to walk in out of the barn when they please), i love the set up!

The 2 girls that are there already, they have there horses on a round bale and split it between the two of them.. they're concerned that when my new horse comes that they all won't get along so we're going to split the turn out, so that they each have a stall to run into if they want. the 2 horses would stay together and my guy would have his own turn out.
i'm afraid to buy round bales where it's just him, there would be allot of wastage (get moldy before he's able to eat all of it) so i'm thinking square bales would be the safer way to go.

I'm doing all the work myself, will be up in the mornings and early afternoons (3-4ish) where i usually have class 12-3/4, except tuesdays (8-1) my problem is that i work nights (5-11) so i'm wondering how many flakes from a square bales i should throw out in the mornings to tie him over from 8 to 3, and then 3 till the next morning. he's used to eating all day outside round bale infront of him, and then thrown 3 flakes to tie him over during the night in a stall. i know most people usually go threw a bale a day per horse is the general rule, but where i'm not able to make it there for a later supper time, and there is a bit of a gap 8-3.. would half a bale 2 times a day be fair? i'm thinking of throwing a flake in each corner or different spots so he has to move around so it'll keep him a bit more busy, instead of standing around and devouring it all at once.

he's on 3 cups haystretch and 1 cup equilizer as a top dressing 2 x a day.

all opinions are appreciated!! thanks guys :)
and pictures will be posted once he arrives :D

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Dun Tru

Dun Tru

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PostSubject: Re: OPINIONS PLEASEE!! square bales & 24/hr hay   OPINIONS PLEASEE!! square bales & 24/hr hay Icon_minitimeTue Nov 23, 2010 8:09 am

If it is just hay, and not hayledge you shouldn't have to worry about spoilage so much from the round bale - but i would STRONGLY recommend getting some kind of feeder for the hay (Check out the Big Bale Buddies - friends of mine have them and love them and I am looking to order their new Slow Bale Buddy!). Also another option is that you don't keep the round bale in with him (less change of wastage) and just feed out daily what he needs (again I would put it into some kind of feeder to keep him from mushing it into the mud) but that is certianly another option!
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PostSubject: Re: OPINIONS PLEASEE!! square bales & 24/hr hay   OPINIONS PLEASEE!! square bales & 24/hr hay Icon_minitimeTue Nov 23, 2010 12:31 pm

I second the horse feeder. A big hockey net from Canadian tire thrown over and tied around the bale works wonders. Also, you will be amazed at how fast a horse will plow through a round bale if given full access to it. 6 round bales don't last us a week with 10 horses eating them.
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PostSubject: Re: OPINIONS PLEASEE!! square bales & 24/hr hay   OPINIONS PLEASEE!! square bales & 24/hr hay Icon_minitimeTue Nov 23, 2010 7:06 pm

I replied to this over on EE, but I have to be nosey, what horse are you getting?
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PostSubject: Re: OPINIONS PLEASEE!! square bales & 24/hr hay   OPINIONS PLEASEE!! square bales & 24/hr hay Icon_minitime

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